Tekoälyverkkojen kehityksestä yli vuosikymmen sitten lähtien ne ovat sulautuneet osaksi modernia elämää – robotiikasta suuriin kielimalleihin. Tekoälyssä "päättely" tarkoittaa mallin kykyä tehdä päätöksiä reaaliaikaisen datan perusteella. Kun datalähteen lähelle sijoitetaan vähävirtainen tietokone, jossa on päättelyä nopeuttava kiihdytin, paranevat nopeus, itsenäisyys, tietoturva ja yksityisyys.

SMARC-moduuli on kompakti, vähävirtainen tietokone-moduuli, joka on suunniteltu sulautettuihin reunalaitteisiin. Pienen kokonsa, skaalautuvuutensa ja kehittyneitä tekoäly- ja virtualisointiteknologioita tukevan rakenteensa ansiosta SMARC-moduulit sopivat erinomaisesti teollisuus-, lääketiede- ja IoT-sovelluksiin, joissa vaaditaan energiatehokkuutta ja luotettavaa suorituskykyä.

Nyt SMARC Computer-on-Module -ratkaisuille on avautumassa uusia mahdollisuuksia vähävirtaisessa laskennassa Intelin merkittävästi parantuneiden Core i -prosessoreiden ansiosta. Uudet "Amston Lake" Atom x7000RE -sirut tarjoavat huomattavaa suorituskykyä pysyen samalla tehonkulutusrajojen sisällä – jopa 49 % parannus yhden säikeen ja 61 % monisäikeisten sovellusten suorituskyvyssä [2].

Vieläkin vaikuttavampi on 9,83-kertainen parannus kuvien luokittelussa, mikä tuo todellisen tekoälypäättelyn reunalaskennan ja sulautettujen tietokoneiden, kuten SMARC-moduulien, ulottuville.

Amston Lake -prosessoreissa Intel hyödyntää nyt standardoitua “Gracemont”-mikroarkkitehtuuria tehokkuusytimissään (E-cores), mahdollistaen kehittyneiden x86-ekosysteemin AI-ominaisuuksien, kuten Vector Neural Network Instructions (VNNI), käytön jopa 15 watin tehoisissa vähävirtaisissa järjestelmissä – ominaisuuksia, jotka aiemmin olivat rajoittuneet huomattavasti tehokkaampiin järjestelmiin.

Tekoälypäättelyn laajentuminen vähävirtaisiin järjestelmiin mahdollistaa teollisuusvalmistajille älykkäämpien ja tehokkaampien järjestelmien käyttöönoton. Tekoälypohjaiset sovellukset, kuten esineiden tunnistus ja havaitseminen, ovat muodostumassa keskeisiksi tuotantoprosessien, kuten poiminta-asettelun (pick-and-place) ja laadunvalvonnan, tehostamisessa.

Robotiikassa visuaalisen datan reaaliaikainen käsittely on elintärkeää autonomisille ohjatuille ajoneuvoille (AGV), palveluroboteille ja yhteistyöroboteille (cobot). SMARC-moduulien uuden Intel Core i -prosessoritehon ansiosta nämä järjestelmät voivat nyt käyttää entistä kehittyneempiä algoritmeja, mikä johtaa nopeampaan päätöksentekoon ja turvallisempiin toimintoihin.

Lääketieteessä kehittynyt kuvasegmentointi ja -käsittely vauhdittavat kehitystä esimerkiksi diagnostiikassa ja leikkaustekniikoissa. Esimerkiksi mobiilit ultraäänilaitteet hyötyvät nopeammasta, tekoälypohjaisesta käsittelystä, joka voi nopeuttaa diagnoosia ja parantaa potilastuloksia. Samalla tavoin tekoälyllä tehostetut turvajärjestelmät, älykkäät kaupunkivalvontaratkaisut ja jopa automaattiset kassajärjestelmät voivat hyötyä merkittävästi uusien prosessorien parantamasta kuvien luokittelukyvystä.


Artikkeli on kokonaisuudessan luettavissa uudesta ETNddigi-lehdestä täällä.


Florian Drittenthaler, congatec

Since their development over a decade ago, artificial neural networks have integrated into modern life, from robotics to LLMs. In AI, "inference" is a model’s ability to make decisions from live data. Using a low-power computer with an inference accelerator near the data source enhances speed, autonomy, security, and privacy.

A SMARC (Smart Mobility ARChitecture) module is a compact, low-power computer-on-module designed for embedded edge systems. Its small form factor, scalability, and support for advanced AI and virtualization technologies make SMARC modules ideal for industrial, medical, and IoT applications requiring energy efficiency and robust performance. 

New breakthroughs are now possible for low-power computing in SMARC Computer-on-Modules with Intel’s vastly improved Core i processors. The new “Amston Lake” Atom x7000RE chips can deliver superior capabilities while staying within the same power constraints, offering performance gains of up to 49% in single-threaded and 61% in multi-threaded applications [2].
Even more impressive is the 9.83-fold improvement in image classification performance, making true AI inference capabilities possible on edge and embedded computers such as SMARC modules.

Inside the Amston Lake processors, Intel now offers standardized “Gracemont” microarchitecture for its Efficient-cores (E-cores), allowing the integration of sophisticated x86 ecosystem AI features like Vector Neural Network Instructions (VNNI) in low power systems up to 15 W, which were previously reserved for systems with much higher power budgets.


The expansion of AI inference logic into low-power systems allows industrial manufacturers to adopt smarter, more efficient systems. AI-powered applications, including object recognition and detection, are becoming essential in improving production processes, such as in pick-and-place operations or quality assurance tasks. In robotics, the ability to process visual data in real-time is essential for autonomous guided vehicles (AGVs), service robots, and collaborative robots (cobots). With the performance boost offered by the new Intel Core i processors in SMARC modules, these systems can now handle more advanced algorithms, leading to faster decision-making and safer operations.

In medical technology, advanced image segmentation and processing are driving progress in fields such as diagnostics and surgery. For instance, mobile ultrasound devices benefit from faster AI-driven processing, which can accelerate diagnosis and enhance patient outcomes. In a similar vein, AI-enhanced security systems, smart city surveillance, and even automated checkout terminals in retail environments could see significant improvements thanks to the enhanced image classification capabilities offered by these new processors.

congatec’s SMARC modules come with a firmware-integrated hypervisor, enhancing cybersecurity and simplifying virtualization.


One of the standout features of Intel’s new generation of processors is how easily developers can implement AI technologies across a broad range of applications. Developers already familiar with Intel’s AI inference logic in high-performance systems can now easily transfer that technology to compact, low-power designs with industrial temperature tolerance (-40°C to +85°C). This is because the CPUs, with up to 8 E-cores and the Intel Gen 12 UHD GPU with 32 execution units, are the same as those found in higher-end processors using the Gracemont microarchitecture, which also supports INT8 deep learning inference.

This streamlined development process is particularly valuable for applications where low power consumption and industrial temperature tolerance are critical factors. The standardization of AI-related features, such as VNNI and AVX2 instruction sets, across Intel’s product range means that developers can focus on the unique aspects of their applications, speeding up time to market while maintaining high levels of performance and security. A full suite of tools can also be leveraged, from kernels to toolkits like OpenVino, to quickly bring AI capabilities to their systems without having to invest heavily in custom software development.


With Intel doubling the number of E-cores in the Amston Lake processors, this significantly expands the options for virtualization, a technology that offers both flexibility and security in industrial and embedded systems. By consolidating multiple systems onto a single piece of hardware, companies can reduce costs and increase efficiency while maintaining strict separation between different operational functions. This separation is crucial for enhancing cybersecurity, particularly in systems that must comply with regulations like the Cyber Resilience Act.

Virtualization also simplifies system management by allowing developers to create isolated virtual environments for tasks like maintenance or updates. This ensures that critical operations can continue running without interruption, improving both system availability and reliability. For industries relying on the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), the ability to run maintenance tasks on a virtual machine separate from the primary system can help reduce downtime and enhance overall system resilience.

SMARC modules are designed with application carriers and cooling solutions, ready for series production and out-of-the-box use.


Taking virtualization one step further, congatec has introduced a unique feature with its Hypervisor-on-Module technology in its conga-SA8 SMARC module. By integrating a hypervisor directly into the SMARC module’s firmware, congatec simplifies the implementation of virtual machines, reducing the development burden and enabling more secure, cost-effective, and durable solutions. This feature also supports real-time capabilities, which are essential in industrial environments where precise timing and synchronization are required.

With this technology, congatec offers developers a ready-made solution for creating virtualized systems that meet the highest standards of cybersecurity and reliability. Whether the system demands real-time functionality or not, this approach provides a higher level of security compared to traditional containerization methods. Each virtual machine operates independently, creating isolated environments that prevent the spread of threats across the system.

congatec also offers an aReady.COM version of the conga-SA8, allowing customers to purchase pre-configured modules tailored to their needs. For instance, these modules can come with Bosch Rexroth’s ctrlX OS and virtual machines for tasks like real-time control, HMI, AI, IIoT data exchange, firewall, and maintenance or management functions – ready for immediate use. The new SMARC modules are also fully compatible with multiple versions of Microsoft Windows.

The conga-SA8 is among the first SMARC modules to support Wi-Fi 6E, delivering nearly triple the data rate of Wi-Fi 5 and providing more reliable connections in congested areas. It’s also ready for TSN over Wi-Fi, ensuring deterministic connections with guaranteed throughput. This offers a cost-effective alternative to 5G or Ethernet. Designed for industrial use, the module features in-band ECC for enhanced data security and soldered DRAM for greater durability in extreme environments.


The introduction of Intel Core i processors into SMARC modules marks a significant milestone for embedded and edge computing. Adopting these more powerful SMARC modules will enable new breakthroughs wherever robust, high-performance AI inference logic is needed in small, fanless systems for use in demanding industrial environments. From industrial automation and robotics to healthcare and retail, the potential applications of this technology are vast and growing.

As AI continues to reshape industries, the ability to deploy powerful inference logic in compact, energy-efficient systems will become increasingly important. Developers now have access to an ecosystem that supports rapid implementation, allowing them to focus on innovation and differentiation.


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Korteilla vauhtia IoT-kehitykseen

Sulautetun laitteen kehitys onnistuu useimmiten helpoiten valmiiden moduulien avulla. Nykyään niitä saa myös tehokkailla Apollo Lake -sarjan prosessoreilla varustettuna.

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Suomen suurin valtti kybersodassa on luottamus

Teknologia19 – Aalto-yliopiston kyberturvallisuusprofessori Jarno Limnéll uskoo, että luotettavuudesta voi tulla suomalaisten yritysten suurin myyntivaltti tulevaisuudessa. – Tärkein kysymys on tulevaisuudessa, kehen ja mihin voimme luottaa. Luottamuksesta on tulossa hyvin arvokas aineeton pääoma yrityksille, Limnéll sanoi eilen messukeskuksessa.

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congatec is a rapidly growing technology company focusing on embedded and edge computing products and services. The high-performance computer modules are used in a wide range of applications and devices in industrial automation, medical technology, robotics, telecommunications and many other verticals.

CVG Convergens is an ICT services company specialized in embedded systems, smart connected products and ICT systems and processes for SME businesses. Our mission is to help our clients, our team, and the society to improve and thrive by providing reliable and sustainable solutions, services, and products by creative and efficient application of technology.


ADLINK Technology leads edge computing, the catalyst for a world powered by artificial intelligence. We manufacture edge hardware and develop edge software for embedded, distributed and intelligent computing - from powering medical PCs in the intensive care unit to building the world’s first high-speed autonomous race car - more than 1600 customers around the world trust ADLINK for mission-critical success.



Testhouse Nordic is the leading supplier of test and measurement products and solutions in the Nordic countries. We partner with world's most renowned suppliers. Through our expertise and strong relationships with our suppliers, we offer products and services that regularly exceed our customers’ expectations.



Mespek Oy is established 1989 and our focus is on industrial electronics and producing support services. The main product areas of Mespek are embedded modules, industrial computing, test&measurement modules and server management systems (KVM-switches).


BCC Solutions Oy is a Finnish company that, in addition to expert services, offers comprehensive equipment solutions for data transfer and telecommunication networks, as well as their analysis, testing and measurement. We broadly represent the industry's leading brands.



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