Datanopeuden kasvulle netin runkoverkoissa on näemmä loputon tarve. Tähän vastatakseen tutkijat Tukholman KTH:ssä, RIse-tutkimuskeskuksessa Ruotsissa ja Riian teknillisessä yliopistossa ovat demonneet tekniikkaa, jolla yllettiin 310 gigabaudin maailmanennätykseen optisen linkin symbolinopeudessa.

Demoa ja sen tuloksia esitellään OFC 2023:ssa, joka on maailman suurin optisen viestinnän ja verkkoalan ammattilaisten konferenssi. Demossa käytetiin mittauslaitevalmistaja Keysight Technologiesin uutta M8199B-aaltomuotogeneraattoria. Se tarjoaa

n (RTU) kanssa ensimmäiset 310 GBaud-taajuudet käyttämällä on-off-avainmodulaatiota ja 160 GBaud-nopeudet käyttämällä PAM6-modulaatiota suoralla tunnistusjärjestelmällä tukemaan 1,6 Tbps sovelluksia. Saavutus esitellään 75 gigahertsin kaistanleveyden ja 2,5 V lähtöamplitudin. Signaalia mitattiin 110 gigahertsin UXR1104A Infiniium -oskilloskoopilla.

Koneoppimisen, tekoälyn, 5G:n ja esineiden internetin sovellukset lisäävät jatkuvasti kasvavan kaistanleveyden kysyntää. Tämä kasvu asettaa haastavia kaistanleveysvaatimuksia datakeskusten optisille linkeille. Vastauksena palvelinkeskusten operaattorit etsivät ratkaisuja kapasiteetin skaalaamiseksi 1,6 terabitin linkkiä kohti tavalla, joka alentaa siirretyn bitin kustannuksia ja virrankulutusta.

Keysight ja RISE-tutkimuskeskus keskittyivät lähestymistapaan, jossa käytetään matalan latenssin intensiteetin modulaatiota ja ns. suoratunnistusjärjestelmää (IM/DD) korkeimmalla mahdollisella siirtonopeudella. Lisäämällä järjestelmän siirtonopeutta tiimi voisi lisätä järjestelmän lähettämän tiedon määrää vähentämällä 800 gigabitin ja 1,6 terabitin kapasiteetin saavuttamiseen tarvittavien aallonpituuksien määrää.

Tuloksena Keysight ja tutkimusryhmä ylsivät ennätykselliseen 310 GBaudin symbolinopeuteen on-off-leying -modulaatiolla ja 160 GBaudiin PAM6-modulaatiolla. Demo osoittaa, että PAM4- ja PAM16-moduloinnilla voidaan päästä kustannustehokkaisiin huippunopeisiin yhteyksiin palvelinkeskuksissa.


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congatec is a rapidly growing technology company focusing on embedded and edge computing products and services. The high-performance computer modules are used in a wide range of applications and devices in industrial automation, medical technology, robotics, telecommunications and many other verticals.

CVG Convergens is an ICT services company specialized in embedded systems, smart connected products and ICT systems and processes for SME businesses. Our mission is to help our clients, our team, and the society to improve and thrive by providing reliable and sustainable solutions, services, and products by creative and efficient application of technology.


ADLINK Technology leads edge computing, the catalyst for a world powered by artificial intelligence. We manufacture edge hardware and develop edge software for embedded, distributed and intelligent computing - from powering medical PCs in the intensive care unit to building the world’s first high-speed autonomous race car - more than 1600 customers around the world trust ADLINK for mission-critical success.


AcalBfi is a leader in the development of custom technology solutions for electronic applications. Our engineers and our approach will ensure we can solve your technical challenges with custom solutions that integrate multiple technologies.


Analog Devices, Inc. is a global semiconductor leader that bridges the physical and digital worlds to enable breakthroughs at the Intelligent Edge. ADI combines analog, digital, and software technologies into solutions that help drive advancements in digitized factories, mobility, and digital healthcare, combat climate change, and reliably connect humans and the world.


EBV Elektronik was founded in 1969 and is one of the leading specialists in European semiconductor distribution. This success is based on the underlying company philosophy, which was developed a long time ago and which still applies today: operational excellence, flexibility, reliability and execution – with the goal of achieving the highest degree of customer satisfaction. 


The Rohde & Schwarz technology group develops, produces and markets a wide range of electronic capital goods. With its extensive product portfolio, the company makes an important contribution to a safer and connected world. In the test & measurement, secure communications, networks & cybersecurity and broadcast & media markets, customers worldwide rely on Rohde & Schwarz and its cutting-edge solutions.


Mespek is an industrial electronics company. Our main product areas are embedded modules, industrial computing, test & measurement modules and server management systems (KVM-switches). Besides our domestic customers we have clients also in several countries such as Benelux, China, Estonia, Ireland, Norway, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, et cetera..


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Richardson RFPD, an Arrow Electronics Company, is an electronic component distributor focused on RF and Wireless Communications, industrial IoT, Power Conversion and renewable energy markets. With our global reach and extensive technical capability, we serve our customers through component development and selection, technical support, and world-class logistics and supply chain capabilities. Whether designing with discrete components or looking to take advantage of integrated circuits or systems RichardsonRFPD’s worldwide design centers and technical sales team provide comprehensive support to bring your product ideas to market.

u‑blox is a global technology leader in positioning and wireless communication in automotive, industrial, and consumer markets. Their smart and reliable solutions, services and products let people, vehicles, and machines determine their precise position and communicate wirelessly over cellular and short range networks. With a broad portfolio of chips, modules, and secure data services and connectivity, u‑blox is uniquely positioned to empower its customers to develop innovative and reliable solutions for the Internet of Things, quickly and cost‑effectively.

KYOCERA AVX is a leading global manufacturer of advanced electronic components, including antennas, fuses, capacitors, filters, couplers and RF switches, engineered to accelerate technological innovation and build a better future. Supplying more than one million antennas per day, KYOCERA AVX is an industry-leading supplier of innovative antenna solutions, covering all major frequency bands and applications. KYOCERA AVX antennas utilize a wide array of materials -including LDS, stamped metal, ceramic, PCB, and FPC- to support a variety of custom and standard configurations (external indoor/outdoor, embedded on/off-board).



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