Artificial Intelligence. Machine Learning. Autonomous Systems. Soon it will be everywhere. Making your devices smarter. Making your life easier. Making your IoT system meaningful.

AI needs a lot of innovation. It requires components to collect data, wireless communication, often to the cloud. Servers to store vasta amounts of information. Intelligent software to analyse the data and make the intelligent decisions.

This is why ETN has chosen AI as the main theme for the 2nd annual Embedded Conference Finland. The event will host an exciting program with keynotes, an exhibition and technical presentations devided into two tracks.

PLACE Valopiha ("LightYard") at Akavatalo in Pasila, close to Helsinki Convention Centre

April 12, 2018  (9am-5pm)

We offer 3 different packages:

GOLD SPONSOR 4000 euros
Great visibility on the dedicated ECF site. Branded lunch. A table top booth with all the benefits of an exhibitor.

Great visibility on the dedicated ECF site. Branded breakfast. A table top booth with all the benefits of an exhibitor.

BASIC 1500 euros. Table top booth with a presentation slot on the stage.

ECF2018 will be free of charge for qualified visitors.

See for more information.
To book a table top or ask for sponsor packages, please contact

ETN editor-in-chief                                         or Sales Manager
Veijo Ojanperä                                                Anne-Charlotte Sparrvik
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+358-407072530                                            +46-734171099


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Korteilla vauhtia IoT-kehitykseen

Sulautetun laitteen kehitys onnistuu useimmiten helpoiten valmiiden moduulien avulla. Nykyään niitä saa myös tehokkailla Apollo Lake -sarjan prosessoreilla varustettuna.

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Suomen suurin valtti kybersodassa on luottamus

Teknologia19 – Aalto-yliopiston kyberturvallisuusprofessori Jarno Limnéll uskoo, että luotettavuudesta voi tulla suomalaisten yritysten suurin myyntivaltti tulevaisuudessa. – Tärkein kysymys on tulevaisuudessa, kehen ja mihin voimme luottaa. Luottamuksesta on tulossa hyvin arvokas aineeton pääoma yrityksille, Limnéll sanoi eilen messukeskuksessa.

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congatec is a rapidly growing technology company focusing on embedded and edge computing products and services. The high-performance computer modules are used in a wide range of applications and devices in industrial automation, medical technology, robotics, telecommunications and many other verticals.

CVG Convergens is an ICT services company specialized in embedded systems, smart connected products and ICT systems and processes for SME businesses. Our mission is to help our clients, our team, and the society to improve and thrive by providing reliable and sustainable solutions, services, and products by creative and efficient application of technology.


ADLINK Technology leads edge computing, the catalyst for a world powered by artificial intelligence. We manufacture edge hardware and develop edge software for embedded, distributed and intelligent computing - from powering medical PCs in the intensive care unit to building the world’s first high-speed autonomous race car - more than 1600 customers around the world trust ADLINK for mission-critical success.



Testhouse Nordic is the leading supplier of test and measurement products and solutions in the Nordic countries. We partner with world's most renowned suppliers. Through our expertise and strong relationships with our suppliers, we offer products and services that regularly exceed our customers’ expectations.



Mespek Oy is established 1989 and our focus is on industrial electronics and producing support services. The main product areas of Mespek are embedded modules, industrial computing, test&measurement modules and server management systems (KVM-switches).


BCC Solutions Oy is a Finnish company that, in addition to expert services, offers comprehensive equipment solutions for data transfer and telecommunication networks, as well as their analysis, testing and measurement. We broadly represent the industry's leading brands.



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